Pastor Aide Program Themes

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Pastor’s Aide Committee “On the Move for God: Serving The Man of God” 1 Tim. 5:17-18: “Let the elders that rule well be counted worthy of double honor, especially they who labor in the word and doctrine. For the Scripture says, you shall not muzzle the ox that treads out the grain, and, the laborer is worthy of his reward.” The name of this auxiliary practically defines its function. It provides aid to our Pastor and his family. The leader of this group will often emphasize that the entire membership of the church is a part of the Pastor’s Aide.

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Each of us is responsible for the care and well being of our Pastor and his family. This group merely serves as the planning committee. If you would like to be a part of the planning committee, feel free to do so. There are plenty of activities for you. In accordance with our mission, the Pastor’s Aide Committee’s prime responsibility is to supports the Pastor financially, emotionally and spiritually.

We do this first through much prayer and consecration. It is the continuous prayers of this ministry (and the entire congregation) for the man of God and the first family that offers the most support.

We then support him financially through weekly offerings and a host of annual fundraiser events: • Breakfast with the Pastor • Celebration Banquets • Special occasion Love Offerings: • Birthday • Christmas • Fathers Day • Wedding Anniversary • Annual Pastoral (Church) Anniversary Though the committee heads these initiatives, each committee member and the entire congregation participates and supports the programs. No one person is responsible for or designated the “caretaker” of the pastor. The Pastor’s Aid works together and supports the Pastor on behalf of the entire church. Autodata crack dongle. JOIN US: To be a member of the Pastor’s Aide Committee one must be willing to be a servant first; they must have a heart and mind to serve. Have faith in God and know that He has placed you in this position for such a time. Members must believe in the vision that God has given our Pastor and have faith that the man of God is being led by the spirit and is obedient to His word. In all, they must be able and willing to give of themselves to serve God through the Man of God, respecting him and complying with the commands and demands that God has given.

Pastor Aide Program Welcome

Pastor’s Aide Committee “On the Move for God. It provides aid to our Pastor and his family. • Willing to share ideas and thoughts for improvement. Our Theme; Marriage Ministry. Annual Pastor’s Aide Day Service. After a quick praise break where Holiness Tabernacle (HTC). Aides to the Pastor Ministry (ATTP) MISSION STATEMENT: To provide supplementary support to the Pastor and his family spiritually, personally and professionally. To lead the congregation in fulfilling the Biblical responsibilities of providing for the Pastor and to aid him that he may faithfully and effectively fulfill his pastoral responsibilities.

In this ministry we acknowledge the office that our Pastor occupies and recognize that he is not just a man but a Man of God. We work with the understanding that our ultimate goal is to be a blessing to our Good Shepherd for the up building of His Kingdom. One must avail themselves to this goal, be active in participation, and be a cheerful giver, an open mind and a creative thinker. DUTIES OF MEMBERSHIP: The Pastor’s Aide worker must be faithful in the following areas: • Able and willing to help care for the Pastor • Open to supporting the Pastor’s vision and missions • Trust the Pastor in financial regards • Actively participate in fundraising activities • Attend committee meetings • Takes an initiative to learn and take on responsibilities • Willing to share ideas and thoughts for improvement Welcome. We Would Love To Have You!!! The Pastor’s Aide Committee welcomes you. If you are dedicated, and eager worker and have a willing heart and love for our Pastor, please come and be a part of this ministry.

Yes, we are on the move for God and we count it an honor to be chosen to SERVE!