Save Data Suikoden 1 Mcr Epsxe
With the PS1, Suikoden 2 benefits from transfering over the save file from the first game. Using the eboots on PSP, is there a way to do this?
Kl disettingannya udah diset ke mcr baik itu di memcard 1. Kalau cara memindahkan save data game suikoden 2 psx ke save data suikoden. For Suikoden on the PlayStation, GameFAQs has 21 save games. Does anyone possibly have a suikoden 1 end game save with all 108 stars? Unfortunatly I killed one of the generals, forgetting they were one of the 108 stars. Memcards and Savestate Configuration. EPSXe supports savestates. They are files that contain the state of the emulator when the key was hit. EPSXe 1.2.0, 1.4.0.
*Basically, I'm just trying to figure out a good way to get a Suikoden 1 save file to the right format and location to work with Suikoden 2, and I'm not sure the best way to go about it. I see some saves out there in DexDrive.gme format, if there's a way to convert that over and import it into the Suikoden 2 save data.
Any help is greatly welcomed. Solution: For future reference, in case anyone else wants to import a PS1 Suikoden I save to be used with the Suikoden II eboot on PSP, here's what I did. 1) I ended up using, which is in the DexDrive.gme format.
2) Then, using, I opened that save file and saved it as SLUS_00292-0.mcr to convert it to the ePSXe save format with the game's title id. 3) Then I put the CWCheat plugin onto the PSP memory card, created a folder in the cwcheat directory called mc (ms0:/seplugins/cwcheat/mc), and placed the.mcr save file into the mc directory. 4) I loaded up Suikoden I, held select to bring up the CWCheat menu, and opened the memory manager. There, you can load the.mcr save file. Make sure it says 'ok'. If not, you probably named the file wrong. I started up Suikoden I using that save file, saved the game normally to save it in the PSP.vmp save format and exited the game.
Whether what you download is a PC version or not, you need a tool such as this. Textures seem to be a perfect example of such features. Whenever this tool tends to be running, it is going to be scanning for a particular directory where the game is known to store or keep files which are referred to as.minecraft. Launcher can also be made use of in having various minecraft versions run and installed. Minecraft team extreme 1.13 launcher. This gives you access to some features of minecraft which you wouldn’t have otherwise been able to explore.
5) Then, I opened Suikoden II. Using 's information below, I pressed the PS home button within Suikoden II, opened memory card utility, import, select the Suikoden file that visually shows it has save data. Start a new game, name your character, select yes to use Suikoden I save file. And it works!
Suikoden 1 Walkthrough Characters
It's been a while since I did this, and I'd say my aim was a pretty specific, and more complicated process than would be necessary for just converting and loading a save, without transfeing it to another game. I don't believe it's necessary to play and save a game before, in order to load the save file with CWcheat. As I recall, I ran into a bit of trouble, just making sure the.mcr save file had the proper name and formatted correctly, based on the game's title id, which in my case, for Suikoden (SLUS00292), the save file was SLUS_00292-0. It'd be different for each game, but the format, with REGION_TITLE#-SAVE#, would apply generally. I only did this the one time, when I wrote this down, but, I remember the save loading up just fine with CWCheat once I got the naming convention right. Then I saved the game normally in game to create a regular save file.